Car glass sealing adhesive

What is car sealant adhesive and why some cars do not seal well after replacing the glass?  Drying time of car glass glue or drying time of car glass glue?  What is the cause of water leakage from the windshield of the car?  The best glue for gluing car glass?

Above, we mentioned some common questions of dear clients.  In this article, we try to answer these questions as much as possible.

What is polyurethane adhesive?

 One of the main reasons that Auto glass does not seal properly after installation is the use of poor quality and cheap glue.  The amount and size of glue is also an important issue that some do not pay attention to.  Black polyurethane glue is a sample of high quality adhesive used in this industry.

Due to the weight of the car windshield (laminated glass), different conditions of keeping the car in extreme heat and cold, moving the car at high speeds or different bumps, etc., all these cases indicate the need to use high-quality and strong adhesive.

Drying time of car glass adhesive

 High quality polyurethane adhesive dries in one to three hours and seals the car window.  Of course, we advise our dear customers not to go to the car wash for 48 hours after washing to install the glass so that the glass is properly sealed.

Polyurethane adhesive is very resistant to high temperatures and maintains its stability up to the maximum temperature (4 ° C).  They are very flexible when dry and are resistant to dissolution in strong acidic or alkaline chemicals. This adhesive is used in various commercial industries as well as in entertainment and handicrafts.  Some polyurethane adhesives are formulated in such a way that they can be used as a sealant or putty.

Car glass polyurethane adhesive

Some properties of this adhesive

  • Excellent adhesion
  • High elongation percentage (very high flexibility)
  • Resistant to environmental factors
  • Resistant to intense sunlight and lack of UV and no color change
  • High erosion strength
  • Excellent flexibility in cold and high heat
  • No contraction / no sagging / non-toxic and
  • No pungent odor and vinegar
  • Resistant to sea salt water

It is better to apply the adhesive on the surface between 5 degrees Celsius and +35 degrees Celsius.  Packing type: 310 ml cartridge and 600 ml sausage and 12 cartons

The price of the original urethane adhesive is three to four times higher than that of aquarium adhesives.  This raises the issue that some colleagues; Instead of using high quality polyurethane adhesive, use poor quality and miscellaneous aquarium adhesives that will cause problems for the car owner.

The surface should be free of any loose particles, paint, grease, and other contaminants.

Some important points about replacing and sealing car glass

1.First if all buy the car glass it matters. In terms of physical dimensions (size and bend glass) the desired glass with car fabric glass be completely equal. Befor installation and glue beat the glass once on the car so that each check the glass completely on the car. Up and the bottom of the glass and the four corners on the car check thoroughly. if for example glass have a bad bend sealing the glass with difficulty will encounter. because the distance between the glass and the body there will definitely be a leak.

  1. After removing the previous glass from the car body, the surface to be glued must be completely flat and one-handed. Of course, not all the previous glue should be removed. Installation experience is very important for this.
  1. In the next step, it is important to use high quality glue, which we have fully discussed above

4.The amount and quality of adhesive injection on the desired surface is the next step, which again shows the importance of the installer experience.  The thickness of the injected adhesive, its width, the injection of the adhesive in the form of a regular and uniform strip on the desired surface are all related to the professionalism of the glass installer.  Of course, the type of operation varies from car to car, and distinguishing how to operate by the method of installation it returns.

To summarize, car window sealing depends on three general factors:

  1. buy suitable car glass and fabric 2. The glue used in the installation 3. Glass installer experience

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